
Linux - UEFI boot manager configuration with encrypted root and swap

This article is more a memo to keep the details regarding the encrypted install of my Arch Linux distribution. I’m using systemd, sd-vconsole, sd-encrypt and sd-plymouth mkinitcpio hooks. This is important for what comes after. Now this is the layout of my SSD disk being identified as /dev/sda. lsblk -o NAME,UUID NAME UUID sda ├─sda1 7244-DD77 ├─sda2 ├─sda7 f92638e9-21ba-4ee2-82d1-3bfc2ac8f6e8 ├─sda8 b7c05834-a995-412f-bb0e-63069778d21a │ └─luks-b7c05834-a995-412f-bb0e-63069778d21a cd9d2579-f4dc-4aaa-878f-d54e9ea9bb83 └─sda9 44739df0-7605-45e1-ab30-eb2e7d4f00c8 └─luks-44739df0-7605-45e1-ab30-eb2e7d4f00c8 1aea47d1-1bb3-4a90-b1bc-e9354cca1417 /dev/sda1 is the efi partition /dev/sda7 is a partition I created for /boot, but I’m not using it anymore.