
DragonFlyBSD - UEFI dual boot with Linux

In order to install DragonFlyBSD on a UEFI machine one might want to keep the already installed operating system, in my case Arch Linux, leading to what people usually call dual boot. I won’t describe the DragonFlyBSD installation process, I might in a following article, but just what’s required before and what needs to be done after to get it to boot. Prerequisites So before installing I had a working Linux installation and I’m using the UEFI boot manager from my laptop (an HP Elitebook), to boot it.

Linux - UEFI boot manager configuration with encrypted root and swap

This article is more a memo to keep the details regarding the encrypted install of my Arch Linux distribution. I’m using systemd, sd-vconsole, sd-encrypt and sd-plymouth mkinitcpio hooks. This is important for what comes after. Now this is the layout of my SSD disk being identified as /dev/sda. lsblk -o NAME,UUID NAME UUID sda ├─sda1 7244-DD77 ├─sda2 ├─sda7 f92638e9-21ba-4ee2-82d1-3bfc2ac8f6e8 ├─sda8 b7c05834-a995-412f-bb0e-63069778d21a │ └─luks-b7c05834-a995-412f-bb0e-63069778d21a cd9d2579-f4dc-4aaa-878f-d54e9ea9bb83 └─sda9 44739df0-7605-45e1-ab30-eb2e7d4f00c8 └─luks-44739df0-7605-45e1-ab30-eb2e7d4f00c8 1aea47d1-1bb3-4a90-b1bc-e9354cca1417 /dev/sda1 is the efi partition /dev/sda7 is a partition I created for /boot, but I’m not using it anymore.

SFR Labox - Monter le disque dur sous Linux

En tant que possesseur d’une box SFR Labox, je trouve pratique de pouvoir placer du contenu sur la box depuis mon pc pour le lancer ensuite depuis l’interface depuis le téléviseur. Je vous propose dans ce petit article de monter le disque dur sur votre pc et de pouvoir y placer le contenu de votre choix. Pour cela il faut commencer par vérifier quel est le nom du partage Samba offert par la box.

Access CouchDB 2.x stats

After installing CouchDB I wanted to be able to access the /_stats page which is supposed to contain a lot of statistics about the running instance. The thing is that page is now displaying {"error":"not_found","reason":"Database does not exist."} After looking for a long time, the solution came from IRC channel #couchdb, and I need to access /_node/couchdb@, where couchdb@ is the node name you find in vm.args on ArchLinux. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.

Build a live arch iso with sshd

I’m the owner of a little pc that I use as a server. It’s a headless machine, that means I don’t have a screen linked to it and that’s a pain when something goes wrong. Yesterday I decided to migrate the hard drive to a new 500 GB one. I wanted to be able to do it without plugging the screen that is so far away and any keyboard. To be able to do it I needed an iso that’s using dhcp and spawning a sshd daemon.

How to backup a btrfs filesystem using Amazon S3 and s3backer

A while ago, a friend of mine introduced me to s3backer, a tool that makes you able to use a s3 bucket as a support for any filesystem you want. I was looking for a way to backup my btrfs filesystem using btrfs send/receive commands, this looked like a good opportunity to do so. In addition I’ll use cryptsetup to encrypt the data on this filesystem. In order to achieve this you need a few things ready :

The fastest HTTP server to deploy with Python

Python 2 python2.7 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 Python 3 python3 -m http.server --bind 8080

Install Boinc on CentOS 7

Boinc is a piece of software that allows to get involved into distributed computing in projects such as WorldCommunityGrid, Rosetta@Home or even LHC@Home. It’s both interesting and put your lazy computers to work. There’s of course a package in the EPEL repository allowing us to install the software easily. Let’s install it ! yum install epel-release yum install boinc-client Now that this is done, there’s the tricky part. Right after you’ve created your account on the website of the project that you’d like to join, you have to get the account key.

Extract and encode a cd to mp3 via the Linux cli

Ripping a cd and encoding it to mp3 is so easy it takes only 3 lines to be achieved. mkdir cd01 && cd cd01 # create a directory and put yourself in it cdparanoia -B # extract all the cd tracks in current directory as .wav files for t in *.wav; do lame -b 320 $t; done # encode all the files to mp3 320kbps It makes it rather easy to script and encode all your cd collection easily if needed.

Linux - How to slow down the data flowing through a pipe

If for some reason you want to slow down the speed of a pipe between two process on Linux, you can use pv (pipe viewer). For example you can use it this way to transfer a file to another place at a slow speed. cat /home/user/file | pv -L 3k -q > /tmp/mynewfile You can adjust the speed with the number given to the -L parameter to pv. For example 1, 10, 100, 1k, 10k, 1m etc.

Nginx - SSL Proxy configuration

For a project at work I had to setup a SSL Proxy with nginx, because one of our old weblogic server can’t manage SHA2 certificates and we can’t update now. We decided to make it talk to a SSL Proxy and here is the code of the nginx.conf acting as such. It makes use of Nginx module http_proxy. As a little reminder we had a situation like this : serverA (client certificate) -> webservice (HTTPS / server certificate)